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Avoiding Self-Sabotage

In episode 15, Dan and Matt discuss a couple forms of self-sabotage that they frequently see in the clientele they work with (and in themselves).   Dan focuses in on the bad habit of responding to compliments with negativity, judgment, and/or resistance.  Matt describes the challenges of trying to be supportive when working with a help-rejecting-complainer.  It’s a bit of shorter episode, and these are topics worthy of revisiting.

Call to action: When someone compliments you, pause, resist the urge to deflect or be self-critical, then just express gratitude for the positive feedback.

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Reverse Golden Rule

Dan and Matt discuss the importance of treating ourselves the way we treat others (The Reverse Golden Rule).  They unpack the challenges associated with reducing self-criticism and other forms of negative self-talk.  This week’s call to action: catch your negative self-talk and use it as an opportunity to learn, improve, and grow.