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Alyssa Royse and the Necessity of Acceptance

Dan and Matt sit down with co-owner of Rocket CrossFit and active advocate for equality and acceptance within the fitness world, Alyssa Royce. She put words to some big ideas that can be difficult to talk about and even harder to implement. She and her team at Rocket CrossFit work to create an emotionally safe atmosphere for ANYONE looking to get active and healthy. From banning weight-based goals and commentary about appearance to eliminating gender terms from their daily vocabulary (no men’s bars and women’s bars), they’re taking active steps to be inclusive and accepting.

Her call to action? She challenged us to stop commenting on appearance in any way with any one. She also asked us to practice self-acceptance (sometimes it’s easier said than done).

You can check out some of the work she’s currently doing with The Out Foundation, including the Out WOD events across the country.

For more of her perspective, check out some of her written work.